Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to get a dog

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"

How I did it: It's been an adventure and a half!  Woah!  Puppy raising is like having a baby!  It's a lot of work, but totally worth it.  My friend's dog had puppies, and I fell in love with the runt.  I wanted to get a rescue from a pound, but since she's a pit bull...she would have eventually been a rescue anyway.  She's incredibly hyper and a nut, so I'm sure she would have been given up at some point.  I even thought about it a time or two, but only for a second, and I always came back to the fact that I just love my little girl. :)  

Lessons & tips: Dog training.  Dog training. Dog training.  

Resources: PetCo

It took me 12 weeks.

It made me