Saturday, July 16, 2011

ticked off

I'm mad and frustrated, and as it seems no one reads this, I shall vent away. I have a lot of regret in regards to a few individuals. Right now, I'm just feeling angry, gipped, pissed off, and lonely...did I mention angry? I feel like things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to, and I got screwed in the process. I'm tired of being alone, I'm tired of everyone around me coming up with something that's "worse" and disallowing me to be unhappy with my lot. Or, it gets completely flipped and people want to know "what I'm doing about it" and want to give me their 2 cents as to how I should go about "fixing it."
I'm SICK of people treating me like my singleness is some sort of contagious disease.
I'm SICK of feeling worthless.
I'm SICK of people asking me what I'm trying to find a man, like it's the only way I'm ever going to be happy.
You know what?
I DON'T NEED a man, and I DON'T NEED your negative attitude.
I DON'T NEED you to feed my insecurities and my loneliness.
Don't give that power.
Stop it. Stop treating me like a leper and BE MY FRIEND!!!!
Is that so hard??? Is it?
If it is, then GO AWAY! I don't need you around.
I have enough to deal with. Unless you have something positive to say,